Friday 30 January 2015

The Liebster Award

I have been chose by Marina from marinasirmais - thank you so much.
These are the questions.
1) What is the strangest thing youve ever eaten?
Peanut butter and apple slices, all summer long!

2) What are your main goals of 2015?
To keep fit, not worry about money, carry on blogging.

3) Heels or flats?
Got to be heels, all the waaay.

4) Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging a couple of years ago, and knowing that people took interest in my blog made me feel good, therefore i wanted to start again, i also lost my passowrd on my other blog, opps.

5) Favourite song at the moment?
Wish you were mine - Phillip George || The Weekend - Earned it

6) Most recent beuty purchase?
Definitely, dry shampoo 

7) Do you prefare salty or sweet foods?
Sweet Sweet Sweet, hand me that buttery, toffee popcorn any day.

8) Favourite hairstyle?
Half up half down, Top knot - Any simple hairstyles!

9) Favoure bloggers?
Click on names to blogs.

10) Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl, i find my self taking showers early hours and napping during the day.

11) What is your favourie place to shop?
Has to be either online Miss Guided or on the high stree Primark/ Newlook.

Fun Fun! I now nominate Yolanda from Cutie and her beauty, Elish from A Piece of Elish and Elise from Elise Rose Blogs.
Have fun!

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1 comment:

  1. Love your answers, would love to go for heels but I'm just such a wimp and my feet hurt after about two minutes!

    Thank you for the nomination, I answered your questions over on my blog

    elise rose

