Friday 6 February 2015


Coat || Primark
Jumper || Primark (old)
Short Ugg boots

So i really have to thank my mum for taking these pictures, even though it was really cold and windy, she still came out in her jim jams to take a picture, and Bentley posed too, bonus. I'm back at university now, whcih in a sense is fab but i really do miss home when i'm here, i've being trying to keep busy but with trying to save, its really hard to do, oh how i hate you student loan! I dont mind staying in, dont get me wrong i love going out too, but after you've been out a few nights in a row and them spots start to appear and your whole cycle is out the window, yeah not what i want. I want to be in a comfortable routine of sleeping and eating properly but ive come to the conclusion that this wont happen until university is over.

 Hope you all have a nice weekend.
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